Celebrate Read Across America Day

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Saturday, March 2 is the National Education Association’s Read Across America Day! We hope that the importance of reading is emphasized every day, but NEA’s Read Across America campaign is a great reason to celebrate reading. The day is in honor of Dr. Seuss, born on March 2, 1904. As the NEA reminds us, a love of reading is an determinant of success and achievement; students “who are motivated and spend more time reading do better in school.” Here are some ways to celebrate Read Across America Day:

  • Parents: Take time to read with your children. Read aloud to them, help them as they try increasingly challenging books, or spend time as a family all reading individually! Seeing role models prioritize reading time will instill good reading habits and practices.
  • Teachers: Encourage a Read Across America challenge! Spend the month of March tracking pages read, topics covered, cultures represented, and other indicators of the breadth and length of your students’ reading.
  • Students: Try something outside your comfort zone. Try a nonfiction or mixed-genre book if you’re used to fiction; try a book on science if you typically go for history. If you listen to music or watch television on your way to school, try reading during that time instead! You can find the perfect book for on-the-go reading on eReaders or through World Book’s eBooks.

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