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Building Blocks of Geography

The Building Blocks of Geography Educator Section includes tools as well as ready-to-use classroom materials. Educators can see how the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards align with the series, organized by the grade level(s) they teach. In addition, educators will have access to reading resources such as discussion guides and comprehension checks as well as fun classroom activities like vocabulary bingo! The Educator Section will also include engaging lessons, centered around standards, with built-in differentiation options to support all learners as they continue to explore this content.

Building Blocks of Geography Standards Alignment:

Use this section to view how the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards align to the Building Blocks of Geography series.

C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards

Next Generation Science Standards

Reading Resources

Each book in the Building Blocks of Geography series comes with a Discussion Guide as well as a Comprehension Check! Each Discussion Guide includes 10 questions, as well as potential answers, and is intended to be used during or after reading the text to help students better understand the content. Each Comprehension Check also includes 10 questions and comes with an Answer Key. The Comprehension Check is intended to be used after reading and is a great assessment option.

Classroom Activities

These activities are designed for classroom use and can be used in both the small group and/or whole group setting. These activities bring some fun, engagement, and reflection to students’ learning!

Mapping My Classroom

This art-inspired activity will help students understand the skills needed to create purposeful maps. Students will construct a map of their classroom that can be used for a specific purpose, such as finding someone’s desk or locating a particular genre of book in the classroom library. Students will create a strong title and include a legend with at least three symbols to enhance their maps. Encourage creativity and fun while mapping out your classroom!

Biomes Compare and Contrast

During this activity, students will choose two biomes that most interest them to compare and contrast. Students will use a graphic organizer to help collect, sort, and process information related to their biomes of choice. They will use their notes to write broadly to compare and contrast their biomes before choosing a partner with whom they can share their writing.

Latitude and Longitude

This activity is designed for students in 5th grade, as well as any students working on latitude and longitude and/or coordinate grids. It is intended to help students better understand how latitude and longitude can be used to describe various places on Earth. In addition to practicing map reading skills, students will have the opportunity to build connections between latitude and longitude and such mathematical concepts as coordinate grids, axes, and coordinate pairs.

Lesson Plans

World Book has created lesson plans that can be used to help deepen students’ understanding of the Building Blocks of Geography concepts. These full lesson plans are aligned to standards, include assessment options, describe possible differentiation considerations, and include a variety of ways for students to stay engaged in their learning. Many materials are included as quick and easy downloads for your convenience.

The Water Cycle

This movement-based lesson is designed for students in 6th grade, as well as any students working on understanding the water cycle and its implications for Earth. In this lesson, students will read an article, take notes on the water cycle, and use a graphic organizer to help them detail what happens to water in each stage, its state (liquid, gas, or solid), and how it relates to the previous and/or next stage in the water cycle. Students will then collaborate with a small group of their peers to create a series of movements that represent the flow of water through the water cycle itself. Students will enjoy moving their bodies and having fun with their peers while deepening their understanding of the water cycle.

Extreme Weather Jigsaw

This cooperative lesson is designed for students in grades 4-6. Students will use the jigsaw strategy to learn about four types of extreme weather. Students will become an expert on one extreme weather event and then share their knowledge with their peers to collect information about all four types of extreme weather. Finally, students will use their notes and knowledge to write an opinion paragraph detailing the extreme weather event they find the most concerning.

Why Do the Seasons Change?

This lesson is designed for students in grades 5-8 studying the effects of Earth’s position in space. In this lesson, students will read an article and take notes about the effects of Earth’s tilt, rotation, and orbit on the seasons. Next, students will process this information by creating a visual representation. Students will use labels, symbols, arrows, and other creative ways to enhance their models so they are easier to understand. Finally, students will independently respond to a series of questions related to this concept.