World Book Logo Building Blocks

Cells, Tissues, and Organs, Oh My!

In this activity, students will review what they know about cells, tissues, organs, and body systems to discuss how all these components work together to perform specific functions. Students will identify cells, tissues, organs, and systems within the human body.


Students will be able to describe the functions of and relationships between cells, tissues, organs, and body systems.


• Building Blocks of the Human Body series, specifically Cells to Organ Systems

• Cells, Tissues, and Organs, Oh My! Worksheet (1 per student)

• Cells, Tissues, and Organs, Oh My! Worksheet Answer Key

• Pencils

Differentiation Considerations:

For greater challenge, require students to define and describe each type of cell, tissue, organ, and system rather than just identifying them.

Consider challenging students to match the 10 organs they identified to the correct body system in which they are found.


  1. Print the worksheet and answer key from the downloads section.
  2. Review the following vocabulary terms with students:

    a. Cell – the basic unit of all living things

    b. Tissue – a group of similar cells that do a certain job

    c. Organ – two or more tissues that work together to do a certain job

    d. System – two or more organs that do a common task.

  3. Discuss how cells, tissues, and organs all work together to make up systems in our body. Discuss the relationship between cells, tissues, organs, and systems.
  4. Explain to students that their job today will be to use their Building Blocks books or other resources to identify 3 organelles, 4 types of tissue, 10 organs, and 5 systems found within the human body.
  5. After providing time for students to complete their activity, bring students back to the whole group setting to share what students discovered. Discuss any similarities and differences in students’ responses. Note any questions they have about specific body systems that may be addressed by the additional Building Blocks of the Human Body series.