World Book Logo Building Blocks

I Have…, Who Has…? Expressions

In this interactive game, students will apply what they know about exponents, variables, standard form, word form, and equivalent expressions. Students will take turns reading aloud a variety of expressions and then identifying equivalent representations of those expressions. In addition, this activity includes three leveled, independent assignments so educators can differentiate extended learning opportunities for students. It is suggested to use this activity after introducing expressions, exponents, variables, and equivalent representations of expressions to students. This activity can be used to review these concepts or to provide students with additional practice.

Common Core State Standards


Students will be able to read, write, and evaluate numerical expressions, including those with variables.

Students will be able to identify and generate equivalent expressions.


• Building Blocks of Math: Moving Beyond Foundations series, specifically Expressions and Equations

• I Have…, Who Has…? Cards

• I Have…, Who Has…? Answer Key

• Leveled independent assignments:

o Option A – Spectacular Sitting

o Option B – Who’s Related?

o Option C – A Simple Task?

• Pencils

• Optional: Scratch Paper

Differentiation Considerations:

Consider allowing students to use scratch paper while playing this game to write down the expressions their peers call out. This may help students better translate the expressions from one form to another.

Another support option would be to project portions of the answer key. As students read aloud the expression in their “who has…” question, reveal it for students to visualize and make connections between the various ways to represent expressions.


These procedures are general and can be applied to each strategy spotlighted in this activity.

  1. Explain that students will first participate in a game called I Have…, Who Has…? where they will use their listening skills and knowledge of equivalent expressions. Instructions:

    a. Shuffle and distribute the playing cards to students. See Differentiation Considerations as needed.

    b. Choose a student to start the game by reading only the “who has…” question from their card aloud.

    c. All other students will listen carefully to the reader before checking their own card to see if they have an equivalent representation of the expression. If they do, they will respond by reading the “I have…” statement on their called, followed by their “who has…” question.

    d. Play will continue in this manner until all the cards have been read. This game is designed so that the student who began the game will also end the game.

  2. Continue the learning by assigning students one of the three worksheets. Option A requires the lowest level of cognitive demand and Option C requires the highest level of cognitive demand:

    a. Option A – Spectacular Sitting

    b. Option B – Who’s Related?

    c. Option C – A Simple Task?