Advanced Annual Subscription

Engage advanced students and adults with thousands of articles, primary sources, and online books designed to support personalized learning and enhance digital citizenship. Contains up-to-the-minute access to worldwide news publications, government links from numerous countries, and multimedia reference materials. World Book Advanced uses technology to deepen comprehension, encourage collaboration between users, and create digital natives.

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Price: $99.00
    • Access to over 600+ global newspapers, for perspectives on global issues
    • Unique content-sharing tool for differentiated learners that directs users to specified content within the database
    • Access to a digital saving tool where articles and media can be stored for use
    • Primary sources with advanced lesson plans and assessments for classroom support
    • Access to thousands of government websites from around the globe

    "Students need current, easily accessible information, while librarians must purchase products that meet ever-changing curriculum standards without breaking the bank, needs that World Book Advanced meets with flair....World Book has taken its wide-ranging print encyclopedia and used its content as a foundation for an exceptional, streamlined database that is both easy to use and great for research assignments....World Book Advanced captures some of the serendipitous discovery that made the print version a key component to student research." -School Library Journal

    “Overall, World Book Advanced is an outstanding resource that every school must consider…It is easy to navigate, customize and find relevant information. World Book provides excellent online tutorials, continuous updates and brilliant graphics and photos to provide a thoroughly enjoyable research experience…Highly recommended.” -Catholic Library World