
Hail to the Chief: A Salute to the Presidents of the United States

Get up to date on United States history, from George Washington to Joe
Biden, and all the presidents in between!

This book will give you an in-depth look at each of the 45 presidents of the
United States. Readers will learn about each president’s life inside and
outside of the White House. They’ll learn about the most important moments
of their political careers, meet their families, and learn lesser-known fun

Take a look inside here!

SKU: 20462
ISBN: 9780716646969
Pages: 304
Volumes: 1
Price: $49.95
    • Colorful photography and historical illustrations bring each president to
    • Engaging biographical content details important events during
      presidents’ terms and gives helpful historical context
    • Presidential Profiles feature gives readers a closer look into the
      personal lives of the presidents with information about their pets,
      pastimes, educations, and more
    • At-a-glance stats provide such key facts as birthdate, occupation,
      political party, vice president, and more
    • Detailed biographies make this a great resource for research reports
    • Who Am I? quiz at the back of the book allows readers to test their