curriculum guide for preschool

  • Approach activities with curiosity and imagination
  • Engage in play as a means to explore and learn
  • Ask questions and show eagerness to learn
  • Show willingness to try new activities
  • Keep focus on an activity and avoid distractions
  • Follow a task through to completion
  • Cooperate with peers in learning and play activities
  • Identify and try to solve problems


    (NB: Contingent on physical or other limitations)

    • Participate in group movement activities
    • Move to different musical beats and rhythms
    • Dance to different types of music
    • Experiment with musical instruments
    • Participate in group music activities
    • Sing familiar songs, chants, and finger plays
    • Initiate and select music and movement activities
    • Sing familiar songs from memory and learn new songs
    • Improvise songs and rhythmic patterns
    • Use props to enhance movement captivities
    • Represent fantasy and real-life experiences through pretend play
    • Create and use props and costumes during dramatic play
    • Demonstrate understanding of color, shape, and line
    • Participate in teacher-guided visual arts activities
    • Use a variety of art materials and techniques to make various art creations (child- safe chalk, pencils, crayons, markers, clay, play dough, paint, wood, etc.)
    • Manipulate materials with pounding, squeezing, rolling, and cutting
    • Explore ideas and themes independently with art materials
    • Use art for self-expression of ideas, personality, or thoughts
    • Show imagination and creativity in creation of visual arts
    • Draw a self-portrait
    • Use age-appropriate digital media applications to create works of art
    • Use art tools and processes as intended
    • Show appropriate audience behavior when viewing art performances
    • Describe and respond to creative works
    • Act out events or stories using language and props

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Language Arts
  • Speak clearly and audibly in complete sentences
  • Speak to give a point of view or opinion, or to persuade
  • Speak to describe, clarify, or negotiate
  • Take part in conversations with adults and peers
  • Describe relationships between objects, events, and people
  • Speak clearly enough to be understood
  • Tell a story
  • Respond appropriately to questions
  • Use language to describe events and tell stories
  • Understand and use an increasing number and variety of words
  • Learn and use age-appropriate rules of standard English grammar
  • Use increasingly complex sentences
  • Learn and follow rules for listening, speaking, and discussing
  • Show understanding of spoken directions
  • Learn new vocabulary through listening
  • Retell a story or recount information gained through listening
  • Sequence events after listening
  • Show attentiveness to presentations
  • Make sense of pictures, symbols, and other visual features
  • Ask questions about visual presentations
  • Draw conclusions based on information from visual media
  • Express ideas from a text by drawing, dictating, or writing
  • Create drawings, signs, or designs to represent an idea or word
  • Understand that writing is a way to communicate meaning
  • Write letters or letter-like shapes to represent words
  • Use pictures, designs, scribbles, and letters to represent events, objects, ideas, or stories
  • Print own first name
  • Write some uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Use invented spelling to form words, phrases, or sentences
  • Look at pictures in books and pretend to read
  • Show motivation to read and ask to be read to
  • Is read to frequently
  • Has own books
  • Show an interest in many different kinds of texts
  • Understand that print is something to be read and has meaning
  • Connect written to spoken words
  • Ask and answer questions about print materials
  • Identify different kinds of texts
  • Retell familiar stories
  • Tell the meanings of simple words
  • Discuss books and other texts
  • Take care of books
  • Recognize own name and common words in print
  • Recognize and name most of the letters
  • Recite the alphabet
  • Match some uppercase with their corresponding lowercase letters
  • Orally blend sounds and syllables into words
  • Recognize that letters form words and words form sentences
  • Identify words related to pictures
  • Follow words from left to right and top to bottom of page
  • Recognize that letters have sounds
  • Pronounce words, one sound at a time
  • Identify beginning, ending, and middle sounds in a word
  • Match or produce words that rhyme
  • Hear and say separate syllables in words

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  • Understand that a number represents a quantity
  • Recognize and name some written numerals
  • Count objects in one-to-one correspondence
  • Count to recognize how many objects are in a set
  • Count numbers in order to 20 by ones
  • Understand that the last counting word tells “how many”
  • Recognize and describe the concept of zero
  • Tell what number comes after a number (up to 10)
  • Without counting, give number of objects in a set (up to four objects)
  • Estimate the number of objects in a small set
  • Compare quantities in two sets of objects
  • Compare number of objects using such words as more, less, the same as, greater than, fewer, or equal
  • Understand that “adding more” increases the number of objects in a set
  • Understand that putting two sets of objects together makes a bigger set
  • Understand that subtracting (“taking away”) items from a set makes a smaller set
  • Solve simple addition and subtraction problems with a small number of objects
  • Sort and classify objects according to one or more attributes into two or more groups
  • Recognize simple repeating patterns
  • Extend and create simple repeating patterns
  • Identify and name a square, circle, triangle, and rectangle
  • Describe parts and characteristics of shapes
  • Sort items according to their shapes (regardless of size)
  • Find shapes in the environment
  • Combine and separate different shapes to create a picture or design
  • Describe positions of objects or people (in, on, under, up, down, inside, outside, behind, in front, between, beside, etc.)
  • Compare objects in shape and size
  • Compare objects by length, weight, or capacity, using such words as longer, shorter, bigger, smaller, heavier, lighter, taller, and shorter
  • Put 3-10 objects in order by size
  • Know that units are used to measure (pounds, inches, cups, meters, minutes, feet, etc.)
  • Measure length with such units as toy blocks or or similar objects safe for age range
  • Estimate simple measurements
  • Discuss units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years)

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    (NB: Contingent on physical or other limiations)

  • Jump, walk in a straight line, and hop on one foot
  • Throw, catch, bounce, and kick a lightweight ball
  • Climb stairs using alternate feet
  • Stand on one foot for 5-10 seconds
  • Walk backwards for five feet
  • Maintain balance while sitting, standing, and moving
  • Put on clothing items independently; use buttons, zippers, and snaps successfully
  • Build structures with blocks
  • Navigate age-appropriate playground equipment
  • Take part in large-motor movements, such as dancing or marching
  • Peddle a tricycle
  • Control a pencil, crayon, or paintbrush
  • Complete simple puzzles
  • Use blunt scissors and eating utensils successfully
  • Paste objects
  • Trace or copy simple shapes
  • Participate regularly in physical activities
  • Identify and compare sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures
  • Identify body parts and their functions
  • Show ways to prevent spreading germs
  • Recognize and follow simple practices for health and hygiene
  • Show growing independence in healthy practices (washing hands, brushing teeth,
  • using tissues, taking care of toilet need, etc.)
  • Learn, describe, and follow simple safety rules and emergency procedures
  • Know how to get help in an emergency
  • Know how to dial 9-1-1 and give name and address information

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  • Show curiosity about the world
  • Use senses and tools to observe, investigate, ask questions, solve problems, and draw conclusions
  • Describe what he or she wants to learn from a science investigation
  • Ask “Why?” “How?” and “What if?” questions
  • Try to answer “How?” and “Why?” about science events
  • Collect, describe, and record (write or draw) information
  • Explain, predict, and generalize about an event or experience
  • Describe the differences between living and nonliving things
  • Describe basic needs of living things
  • Understand that living things grow and change
  • Observe, describe, compare, and discuss living things
  • Match plants and animals to their habitats
  • Describe how animals resemble their parents
  • Identify ways living things change as they grow
  • Recognize seasonal changes in plants and animals
  • Name external parts of plants and animals
  • Describe simple life cycles (butterfly or frog)
  • Show respect for living things
  • Observe, describe, and compare physical properties of objects (size, texture, shape, weight, color, freezing and melting, or sinking or floating)
  • Compare and sort objects according to physical attributes
  • Identify such sources of energy as light, heat, and electricity
  • Identify and compare solids and liquids
  • Understand that liquids take the shape of their containers
  • Describe effects of common forces (pushing and pulling, kicking, wind, gravity, or magnetism)
  • Describe physical properties of soil and rocks
  • Describe characteristics of soil, water, and air
  • Observe and describe objects in space
  • Observe and describe movements of objects in space
  • Describe changes in weather and seasons
  • Discuss ways the environment provides resources for people
  • Discuss some ways to protect the environment

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  • Manage comfortably when apart from parents or primary care givers for 2-3 hours
  • Meet visitors without excessive shyness
  • Know full name, gender, age, and birthday
  • Know parents’ names, home address, and home phone number
  • Is not afraid to go to school
  • Describe own physical characteristics and abilities positively
  • Recognize self as a unique individual
  • Feel good about self
  • Perform many routines and tasks independently
  • Independently attempt new tasks
  • Express own feelings, needs, and opinions appropriately
  • Maintain self control
  • Recognize and describe own and others’ emotions and behavior
  • Play with other children
  • Develop friendships with peers
  • Show empathy to peers
  • Share, take turns, and help others
  • Take part in pretend play
  • Make age-appropriate decisions and choices
  • Follow simple rules, routines, and directions
  • Move from one task to another without delay or distress
  • Cooperate with peers and family members
  • Try to resolve peer conflict
  • Take care of own belongings
  • Talk comfortably with others
  • Relate comfortably to teachers or primary caregivers
  • Minimize disruptive or aggressive behavior
  • Handle change and adapt to new situations appropriately
  • Ask for help when needed
  • Help family with chores

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  • Identify personal family and community
  • Understand that each person belongs to a family
  • Recognize similarities and differences in people and families
  • Describe own community
  • Identify cultural traditions of own family and community
  • Recognize jobs in the community and the work people do
  • Describe or draw maps of own home, school, community
  • Name street, neighborhood, city where he or she lives
  • Locate objects and places in familiar environments
  • Describe topographical features in his or her neighborhood or state (or province, territory)
  • Discuss ways people can take care of their environment
  • Tell the difference between past, present, future events
  • Show a basic awareness of personal and family history
  • Identify events that happened in the past
  • Describe common events and routines using such words as today, tomorrow, yesterday, last week, or next week
  • Describe how things change over time
  • Put events in sequential order
  • Understand that people need food, clothing, and shelter
  • Distinguish between wants and needs
  • Understand the idea of limited resources and choices about resources
  • Understand that money or trade is used to get goods or services
  • Understand that money comes in different forms
  • Participate in role-play involving creating and selling of goods and services
  • Identify some of the ways families get money
  • Understand the need for rules at home or school
  • Understand the need for laws in the community
  • Describe classroom rules and their purposes; follow classroom rules
  • Identify own country, state (or province, territory), and symbols (flag, state seal, Statue of Liberty, etc.)
  • Suggest simple solutions to conflict
  • Discuss some actions and responsibilities of good citizens
  • Work and play cooperatively with other children
  • Experience opportunities to vote to make simple decisions
  • Understand roles of leaders; show interest in leadership

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  • Follow directions to operate software programs
  • Listen to texts presented in electronic forms
  • Use basic computer skills (turn on computer, use keyboard and mouse)
  • Operates sound recording device
  • Create songs, drawings, or stories through interaction with available technology
  • Communicate digitally with available technology
  • Use basic skills of other digital devices (mp3 player, cell phone, tablet, etc.)
  • Know age-appropriate practices for safe use of technology

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