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World Book Dictionary

The last thing a dictionary needs to be is intimidating. Yet many adult dictionaries are just that due to complicated structures and word meanings. This dictionary, from the editors of The World Book Encyclopedia, combines all the features of a traditional dictionary with the readability of World Book. The result is an ideal dictionary that can be used for a lifetime.

Words likely to be used by students are defined in a simple manner for better comprehension. The Dictionary also presents informative illustrative sentences that help clarify word meanings.

But this is by no means an abridged reference work. It features more than 225,000 entries, 3000 illustrations, notes on how to use prefixes, suffixes, capitalization and punctuation, pronunciation guides, and more. It's the final word in state-of-the-art dictionaries.

Product Reviews:

"This dictionary is highly recommended... It is especially helpful for high school and college students in theirs preparation for writing research papers and book reports. "

-- American Reference Books Annual 2011

“The definitions are clear and concise, with the most common meaning first. Sentences or quotations enhance the meanings, as do numerous line drawings.”

-- Booklist, May 2009

SKU: 20354
ISBN: 978-0-7166-0204-0
Pages: 2560
Volumes: 2
Retail: $85.00
Price: $69.00
Save: $16.00 (18.8%)