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Building Blocks of Chemistry

The Building Blocks of Chemistry Educator Section includes tools as well as ready-to-use classroom materials. Educators can see how the Next Generation Science Standards align with the Building Blocks of Chemistry books, organized by the grade level(s) they teach. In addition, educators will have access to reading resources such as discussion guides and comprehension checks as well as fun classroom activities! The Educators Section will also include engaging lessons, centered around standards, with built-in differentiation options to support all learners as they continue to explore this content.

Building Blocks of Chemistry Standards Alignment:

Use this section to view how the Next Generation Science Standards align to the Building Blocks of Chemistry series.

Reading Resources

Each book in the Building Blocks of Chemistry series comes with a Discussion Guide as well as a Comprehension Check! Each Discussion Guide includes 10 questions and is intended to be used during or after reading the text to help students better understand the content. Potential answers are also included. Each Comprehension Check also includes 10 questions and comes with an Answer Key. The Comprehension Check is intended to be used after reading and is a great assessment option.

Chemistry and Matter

Chemistry and Matter

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Mixtures and Solutions

Mixtures and Solutions

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Chemical Compounds and Reactions

Chemical Compounds and Reactions

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Acids, Bases, and Salts

Acids, Bases, and Salts

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Chemistry of Living things

Chemistry of Living things

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Chemistry Everywhere

Chemistry Everywhere

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Chemistry Experiements

Chemistry Experiements

Discussion guide Comprehension check

Classroom Activities

These activities are designed for classroom use and can be used in both the small group and/or whole group setting. These activities bring some fun, engagement, and reflection to students’ learning!

A Mixture Hierarchy

In this activity, students will create detailed definitions of vocabulary terms related to mixtures and then organize them into a hierarchy. Students will collaborate with peers to classify real world examples of mixtures as solutions, suspensions, or colloids and justify their classifications in writing.

Snooping for Elusive Elements

During this activity, students will familiarize themselves with the structure and organization of the periodic table. Students will have a choice of working independently or with a peer as they search through the periodic table, snooping for elements with particular properties.

Chemistry Challenge

Looking for a fun, quick vocabulary game? Look no further! Chemistry Challenge provides a great opportunity to review vocabulary terms, definitions, and concepts related to the Building Blocks of Chemistry. Students will team up to answer a variety of questions centered around key chemistry vocabulary and concepts in this competitive, fun-filled game.

Lesson Plans

World Book has created lesson plans that can be used to help deepen students’ understanding of the Building Blocks of Chemistry concepts. These full lesson plans are aligned to standards, include assessment options, describe possible differentiation considerations, and include a variety of ways for students to stay engaged in their learning. Many materials are included as quick and easy downloads for your convenience.

Are All Antacids the Same?

In this lesson, students will collaborate with their peers to conduct an experiment that will help them answer the question, “Are all antacids the same, or do some work better than others?” Students will use their writing skills to provide evidence and reasoning to defend their answer to this question. This real-world scenario will not only engage students, but will also help them understand how science can be used to improve their quality of life.

Environmental Pollution Poster

In this lesson, students will read an article to extend their understanding of environmental pollution and the role humans have played in harming our planet. Students will combine information from the article with their prior knowledge to create a persuasive poster that convinces people to be concerned about the harms of environmental pollution and that provides suggestions for reducing and/or combatting it. To make this lesson even more authentic for your students, hang their completed posters around your school and/or community!